
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wordiness in emails

By its nature, email works best with messages not more a page or two long. Attachments are the best utilization for expanding email communications. The follow blog segment provides some basic thoughts. If any reader would like to have this expanded, kindly comment on this.
"This report by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read."
 - Winston Churchill


During the course of a busy day, receiving a long and detailed email is seldom welcomed.  Worse still, the longer a correspondence is, the less likely it is to be read.  There also is a distinct possibility that even if it is read, it may not be done completely or with full attention.  
If a long email is necessary, the proper Netiquette should be followed to insure readability, the early introduction of a major topic and a brief explanation for the need to have a long message.  It may also be best to have the correspondence divided and sent separately.
One long-term negative factor of sending a long or verbose message may set a bad precedent in which the recipient will not immediately or ever read future correspondence.
 Simple steps to avoid wordiness
Certain words can contribute to make sentences less clear as well as providing more verbosity.  Among these are:
·         Kind of
·         Sort of
·         For all intents and purposes
·         In other words
·         Basically, actually
·         As previously stated
·         Generally speaking
·         In particular
·         Generally, in general
Redundant words and appositives
An appositive is defined (by as a word or phrase to identify, amplify or rename the preceding word.  These can be unnecessarily obvious.  Samples of these appositives which add no value are shown below:
This is an example of an appositive which provides unnecessary identification.
George Washington, the first president of the United States and a founding father . . .
George Washington, the first president . . .
George Washington . . .
Redundant Pairs
Most email writers cannot avoid using redundant pairs and this is a common mistake made even in brief messages.  Some generic examples of these include:
·         past                  remembrances
·         basic                fundamentals
·         true                  facts
·         honest              truth
·         terrible             tragedy
·         final                 outcome
·         unexpected       surprise
·         past                 history
·         future               plans
·         boundary          line
There are many, many more of these and the best way to reduce their usage is to maintain good Netiquette in messages and to edit text before sending.


My book, "NetiquetteIQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email" has gone on sale at the CreateSpace estore:

 As a NetiquetteIQ blog reader, you can use the discount code KBQALZA7. This discount is only through the estore. Thank you for your support on the blog and with the book. The book and Kindle version are now available on Amazon. Please visit my author profile at

More good news!

The Kindle version of my book is now available! Go to the following site to purchase it:



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