
Saturday, May 3, 2014

10 Core Netiquette Forms of Business Mail - From Netiquette IQ

None of the different email categories have more of a need to employ Netiquette than business-related emails. Basically, virtually all categories of Netiquette are important within the business email. The composition and distribution of business emails requires full attention and care. This is in part because no category of email, other than solicitation or junk mail, is typically as distanced interpersonally as this category is.
             Any item related to a business email can have a profound or immediate effect in the business correspondence. This can be something such as the capitalization of a word, a punctuation mark, or the salutation.
            Personal, casual, or even generic emails present far more tolerance to Netiquette mistakes. For example, an email sent to a relative who  does not capitalize their name will rarely be taken badly, but a similar error in a message sent to a stranger in a business context might easily be noticed and reacted to negatively. There is a great deal of detail involved with business. These will be presented in blog postings (see The specifics will be characteristics of these forms:
1.         Business to business
2.        Business to customer
3.        Marketing
4.        Invitations
5.         Business introductions
6.        Cover—résumés
7.        Cover—other attachments
8.        Newsletters
9.        Complaints
10.          Employment—offer/acceptance/decline
11.          Scheduling
12.          Memorandum of understanding
13.          Cover—proposal
14.          Reference
15.          Billing—reminders/invoices/other notifications
16.          Promotion
17.          Letter of credit
18.          Acknowledgement of receipt
19.          Nondisclosure
20.          Thank-you

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