
Monday, June 9, 2014

Netiquette IQ Quote of The Day - Redundancies - Via Former Vice President Dan Qualye

Some redundancies are inadvertently funny. Once I began working on yesterday's blog, it became clear to me that it is common with so many of us. Phrases that we take for granted can be egregious. Once you start thinking about them, you will start weeding them out of your email! Today's quote may have come about as a result of Dan Quayle taking himself a bit too seriously!

"If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure."
Former Vice-President Dan Quayle
In addition to this blog, I have authored the premiere book on Netiquette, "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". You can view my profile, reviews of the book and content excerpts at:

 If you would like to listen to experts in all aspects of Netiquette and communication, try my radio show on BlogtalkRadio  and an online newsletter via have established Netiquette discussion groups with Linkedin and  Yahoo I am also a member of the International Business Etiquette and Protocol Group and Minding Manners among others. I regularly consult for the Gerson Lehrman Group, a worldwide network of subject matter experts and I have been contributing to the blogs Everything Email and emailmonday . My work has appeared in numerous publications and I have presented to groups such as The Breakfast Club of NJ Rider University and  PSG of Mercer County New Jersey.


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