
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Netiquette Quiz of Core Principles - Are you an Email Genius?

What is your Netiquette IQ? There is no particular correlation between a person's intellectual IQ and your Netiquette IQ. Moreover, your Netiquette IQ can dramatically improve in short order, particularly when you read my book! This test below will give you an idea of how much you really know about email Netiquette. Give it a try. Don't peek at the answers! If you come up with a score you are unhappy with, consider my book, Information follows the quiz.

Watch for future tests and software on our website at


What should your “from” field show?
A)   Your service provider; B)  Your full name;
C)  Your desired reply address; D)  Your nickname,
E)  All of the above


What should the “to” field show?
A)   Desired public recipient(s);
B)  Anyone who wishes to receive the message;
C)  Both A and B; D)  Neither A or B,
E)  None of the above


Who should be in a “cc” field?
A)   Those not expected to reply;
B)  Those who need to know the content;
C)  Those in any preceding message;
D)  Both A & B, E)  None of the above


Subject fields should:
A)   Never be blank;
B)  Be changed for different topics;
C)  Left unchanged when an initial direct reply is given;
D)  Not exceed 10-12 words,
E)  All of the above


Subject fields:
A)   Do not require capitals;
B)  Should end with a punctuation mark;
C)  Should not include links;
D)  Can have all capitals if urgent,
E)  Use normal punctuation except the end of the entry


A recipient in a cc field should:
A)   Never reply;
B)  Reply only to appropriate people;
C)  Include others when replying;
D) Reply only to the sender, E)  A & C


When a recipient is in a “Bcc” field, one:
A)   Can forward a message;
B)  Should never forward the message;
C)  Should only forward to a new recipient;
D)  Ought reply if deemed important,
E)  Both B & D 


A subject field:
A)   Can comprise the entire message;
B)  Can be partially changed by a replier;
C)  Can be fully changed by a replier,
D)  Both A & B, E)  Both A & C


A)   Should always be used;
B)  Are only needed in business email;
C)  Should never use nicknames;
D)  Should include official titles, E)  Both A & C


Salutations should:
A)   Include all To and cc recipients;
B)  Only To recipients;
C)  Usually have more than one word;
D)  Be followed by a colon or comma,
E)  B, C and D


Salutations should include:
A)   Someone’s first and last names;
B)  No abbreviations; 
C)  A capital for the first word;
D)  All of the above,
E)  None of the above


When multiple people are addressed in a salutation:
A)   Always spell out everyone’s name and title;
B)  “To All” can always be used;
C)  “Sirs” can be used if all are male;
D)  All of the above,
E)  None of the above


If an email is to a stranger,
A)   The reason for the email should be stated first;
B)  An introduction should be done first;
C) An introduction and purpose should be done in either order;
D)  A purpose is not necessary,
E)  None of the above


Font sizes in email should:
A)   Be 8-10 point 
B)  Be determined by the font style;
C)  Use regular text but all italics is acceptable;
D)  Be 10-12 point, E)  Both C & D


Which of the following are the most common type of email:
A)   Spam;
B)  Personal;
C)  Business;
D)  Social,
E)  Commentary


Formal email should not have:
A)   Concise descriptions;
B)  The pronoun “I”;
C)  Acronyms;
D)  Any threads,
E)  All threads


Which of these are acceptable as a full email
A)   Thank you;
B)  You bet;
C)  Sorry;
D)  A & C,
E)  A & B


Which of the following are correct for normal email:
A)   12:00 noon;
B)  12 pm;
C)  12:00 pm;
D)  1200 hours,
E)  Noon


Attachments should:
A)   Be equal or less than 10MB;
B)  Always be used for resumes;
C)  Have short titles (four words or less);
D)  None of the above,
E)  A, B & C


When sending an urgent email:
A)   Flags should always be used;
B)  Multiple exclamation marks should be used in the address field;
C)  Be stated as “Urgent” in the address field;
D)  All of the above,
E)  None of the above


According to surveys, most email users:
A)   Believe they check less than they do;
B)  Respond less quickly than they actually do;
C) Write worse email than they believe they do;
D)  All of the above,
E)  None of the above


Which of the following is acceptable for using parentheses:
A)   Adding information;
B)  Adding an afterthought;
C)  Adding a personal opinion;
D)  All of the above,
E)  None of the above


Personal email policy should include:
A)   A signature template;
B)  Auto replies for absences longer than 48 hours;
C)  A disclaimer;
D)  A tone checker,
E)  Auto correction for spelling


When replying to an email:
A)   Reply within 24 hours even on holidays;
B)  Do not include the original attachment;
C)  Keep the original email above the reply;
D)  Do not include an additional attachment,
E)  None of the above


When should an email not be responded to:
A)   When it is spam;
B)  When a sender delivers two thank yous;
C)  To an auto-reply;
D)  All of the above,
E)  A & B only

1-c, 2-a,3-d,4-e,5-e,6-d,7-b,8-b,9-a,10-e,
 In addition to this blog, I have authored the premiere book on Netiquette, "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". You can view my profile, reviews of the book and content excerpts at:

 If you would like to listen to experts in all aspects of Netiquette and communication, try my radio show on BlogtalkRadio  and an online newsletter via have established Netiquette discussion groups with Linkedin and  Yahoo I am also a member of the International Business Etiquette and Protocol Group and Minding Manners among others. I regularly consult for the Gerson Lehrman Group, a worldwide network of subject matter experts and I have been contributing to the blogs Everything Email and emailmonday . My work has appeared in numerous publications and I have presented to groups such as The Breakfast Club of NJ Rider University and  PSG of Mercer County New Jersey.


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