
Monday, March 2, 2015

Make Your Own Internet of Things Devices - It Is Far Easier Than You Think

We have all read many things about the Internet of Things. For most of us, it still remains something mysterious as a future part of our society. Guess what? You can now build your own devices. The future is now!See below for an example.

Make your own Internet of Things devices - IoT Starter Kit released by ARM and IBM

IOT devices can be built in a matter of minutes with ARM and IBM's mbed starter kit 

By Agam Shah | 24 February 2015 | IDG News Service CIO Magazine

ARM and IBM want hobbyists and small businesses alike to create their own Internet of Things applications and devices in a matter of minutes with a new development kit.
The ARM mbed IoT Starter Kit - Ethernet Edition will allow users to make cloud-ready Internet of Things products that could receive or transmit data for analysis or alerts. The development kit will come with ARM's mbed OS and connect into IBM's BlueMix cloud, which will help in the development of applications and services.

The starter kit will get data from "the on board sensors into the IBM cloud within minutes of opening the box," ARM said.
ARM and IBM hope to cash in on the mass adoption of IoT, which has led to a mesh of interconnected devices used in smart homes, smart city implementations and enterprises. The devices, which could range from weather sensors to health devices, already number 1.2 billion, and could touch 5.4 billion by 2020, according to a recent study by Verizon.
The IoT market is currently fragmented with a wide variety of hardware, operating systems and communication standards in use. Through the developer kit, ARM and IBM want to bring a level of consistency in hardware and software across IOT devices. Beyond making it easier for devices to talk one another, the developer kit could make it easier to push or pull data out of a larger number of cloud services.

The development kit includes a board with a Freescale K64F Kinetis microcontroller, which has an ARM Cortex-M4 processing core running at 120MHz. An Ethernet connection links the board to IBM's BlueMix cloud service, which then acts as a guide on how to use the board. Other components on the board include a 128 x 32 graphics LCD, 256KB RAM, 1MB of flash storage, a speaker, a five-way joystick, temperature sensor, accelerometer, potentiometers and a PWM (pulse-width modulation) control line to receive digital signals.
The starter kit has Ethernet for connectivity, but there's a possibility it may also include cellular or Wi-Fi in the future, ARM said.

ARM didn't provide details on the pricing or availability of the starter kit. The first devices resulting from the development kit are expected to be released later this year. 
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