
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Netiquette IQ Blog of 5/9/2015 - So You Think You Know your Email? Take This Test And See!


The following quiz is not an easy one. See if you can score an 88% or higher! You will be in the email elite! If your score is not a good one, consider my book, noted below. Answers appear later in the blog.

What should your “from” field show?
A)     Your service provider; B)  Your full name; C)  Your desired reply address; D)  Your nickname, E)  All of the above

What should the “to” field show?
A)     Desired public recipient(s); B)  Anyone who wishes to receive the message;
 C)  Both A and B; D)  Neither A or B, E)  None of the above

Who should be in a “cc” field?
A)     Those not expected to reply; B)  Those who need to know the content;
 C)  Those in any preceding message; D)  Both A & B, E)  None of the above

Subject fields should:
A)     Never be blank; B)  Be changed for different topics;  
C)  Left unchanged when an initial direct reply is given; D)  Not exceed 10-12 words, E)  All of the above

Subject fields:
A)     Do not require capitals; B)  Should end with a punctuation mark; 
C)  Should not include links; D)  Can have all capitals if urgent, E)  Use normal punctuation except the end of the entry

A recipient in a cc field should:
A)     Never reply; B)  Reply only to appropriate people;
 C)  Include others when replying; D) Reply only to the sender, E)  A & C

When a recipient is in a “Bcc” field, one:
A)     Can forward a message; B)  Should never forward the message;
 C)  Should only forward to a new recipient; D)  Ought to reply if deemed important, E)  Both B & D 

A subject field:
A)     Can comprise the entire message; B)  Can be partially changed by a replier;  
C)  Can be fully changed by a replier, D)  Both A & B, E)  Both A & C

A)     Should always be used; B)  Are only needed in business email; 
C)  Should never use nicknames; D)  Should include official titles, E)  Both A & C

Salutations should:
A)     Include all To and cc recipients; B)  Only include To: recipients;  
C)  Usually have more than one word; D)  Be followed by a colon or comma, E)  B, C and D

Salutations should include:
A)     Someone’s first and last names; B)  No abbreviations;   
C)  A capital for the first word; D)  All of the above, E)  None of the above

When multiple people are addressed in a salutation:
A)     Always spell out everyone’s name and title; B)  “To All” can always be used; 
C)  “Sirs” can be used if all are male; D)  All of the above, E)  None of the above

If an email is to a stranger,
A)     The reason for the email should be stated first; B)  An introduction should be done first;  
C) An introduction and purpose can be done in either order; D)  A purpose is not necessary, E)  None of the above

Font sizes in email should:
A)     Be 8-10 point  B)  Be determined by the font style; C)  Use regular text but all italics is acceptable; D)  Be 10-12 point, E)  Both C & D

Which of the following are the most common type of email:
A)     Spam; B)  Personal; C)  Business; D)  Social, E)  Commentary

Formal email should not have:
A)     Concise descriptions; B)  The pronoun “I”; C)  Acronyms; D)  Any threads, E)  All threads

Which of these are acceptable as a full email
A)     Thank you; B)  You bet; C)  Sorry; D)  A & C, E)  A & B

Which of the following are correct for normal email:
A)     12:00 noon; B)  12 pm; C)  12:00 pm; D)  1200 hours, E)  Noon

Attachments should:
A)     Be equal or less than 10MB; B)  Always be used for resumes; 
C)  Have short titles (four words or less); D)  None of the above, E)  A, B & C

When sending an urgent email:
A)     Flags should always be used; B)  Multiple exclamation marks should be used in the address field;
 C)  Be stated as “Urgent” in the address field; D)  All of the above, E)  None of the above

According to surveys, most email users:
A)     Believe they check less than they do; B)  Respond less quickly than they actually do;
 C) Write worse email than they believe they do; D)  All of the above, E)  None of the above

Which of the following is acceptable for using parentheses:
A)     Adding information; B)  Adding an afterthought; 
C)  Adding a personal opinion; D)  All of the above, E)  None of the above

Personal email policy should include:
A)     A signature template; B)  Auto replies for absences longer than 48 hours;
C)  A disclaimer; D)  A tone checker, E)  Auto correction for spelling

When replying to an email:
A)     Reply within 24 hours even on holidays; B)  Do not include the original attachment;  
 C)  Keep the original email above the reply; D)  Do not inclu

de an additional attachment, E)  None of the above

When should an email not be responded to:
A)     When it is spam; B)  When a sender delivers two thank you’s;  
C)  To an auto-reply; D)  All of the above, E)  A & B only
Great Reasons for Purchasing Netiquette IQ
·         Get more email opens.  Improve 100% or more.
·         Receive more responses, interviews, appointments, prospects and sales.
·         Be better understood.
·         Eliminate indecision.
·         Avoid being spammed 100% or more.
·         Have recipient finish reading your email content. 
·         Save time by reducing questions.
·         Increase your level of clarity.
·         Improve you time management with your email.
·        Have quick access to a wealth of relevant email information.
Enjoy most of what you need for email in a single book.

**Important note** - contact our sister company for very powerful solutions for IP management (IPv4 and IPv6, security, firewall and APT solutions:

In addition to this blog, Netiquette IQ has a website with great assets which are being added to on a regular basis. I have authored the premiere book on Netiquette, “Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". My new book, “You’re Hired! Super Charge Your Email Skills in 60 Minutes. . . And Get That Job!” will be published soon follow by a trilogy of books on Netiquette for young people. You can view my profile, reviews of the book and content excerpts at:

 If you would like to listen to experts in all aspects of Netiquette and communication, try my radio show on BlogtalkRadio  Additionally, I provide content for an online newsletter via I have also established Netiquette discussion groups with Linkedin and Yahoo.  I am also a member of the International Business Etiquette and Protocol Group and Minding Manners among others. Further, I regularly consult for the Gerson Lehrman Group, a worldwide network of subject matter experts and have been a contributor to numerous blogs and publications. 

Lastly, I am the founder and president of Tabula Rosa Systems, a company that provides “best of breed” products for network, security and system management and services. Tabula Rosa has a new blog and Twitter site which offers great IT product information for virtually anyone.
























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