
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Netiquette IQ Blog Post Of 5/17/15 - Facebook Accused Of 'Trampling On European Privacy'

There are, predictably, many organizations on the Internet which are vying for power, for content control, for Infrastructure design and many other significant aspects. Just yesterday, I posted an article about the Hague and its efforts to balance the Internet.

No doubt, there will always be struggles with tracking, privacy, retention of data and the laws set for the by countries and alliances. Again, as netizens we should all remain vigilant about our local, national and international rules and developments.

Enjoy the article below.
Good Netiquette And A Green Internet To All!

Facebook Accused Of 'Trampling On European Privacy Laws'

Posted: 05/15/2015 9:14 am EDT Updated: 05/15/2015 9:59 am EDT

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium's privacy watchdog accused Facebook on Friday of trampling on European privacy laws by tracking people online without their consent and dodging questions from national regulators.
The Privacy Protection Commission (CPVP/CBPL), which is working with German, Dutch, French and Spanish counterparts, launched the blistering attack after trying to find out more about the U.S. social media giant's practices.
It urged Internet users to install privacy software to shield themselves from Facebook's tracking systems, whether they have an account with the social network or not.
The show of strength from the Belgian regulator, which does not have the power to levy fines, highlights a growing willingness across the 28-member bloc to demand that big U.S. tech companies abide by European laws.
"Facebook tramples on European and Belgian privacy laws", the Commission said after publishing a report analyzing changes that the company made to its privacy policies in January.
It said in a statement that Facebook had refused to recognize Belgian and other EU national jurisdictions, insisting it was subject only to the law in Ireland, the site of its European headquarters.
"Facebook has shown itself particularly miserly in giving precise answers," the watchdog said, adding that the results of the study by a group of researchers were "disconcerting".
A Facebook spokeswoman questioned the Belgians' authority but said it would review the study's recommendations with the Irish data protection commissioner: "We work hard to make sure people have control over what they share and with whom."
"Facebook is already regulated in Europe and complies with European data protection law, so the applicability of the CBPL's efforts is unclear," she said.
Some EU states accuse Ireland of being soft on the multinational firms it wants to attract, whether in data protection or corporate taxation.
The commission said it would publish a second report on Facebook this year. Sanctions available to privacy watchdogs can be negligible to big firms, but a new EU data protection law expected to be ready this year would allow for fines up to 5 percent of annual sales.

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