
Monday, May 4, 2015

Tabula Rosa Systems Blog Of 5-4-15 - Unsustainable to offer whole Internet for free: Zuckerberg


When I saw this article, I was angered by it for a number of reasons. Mainly, it struck me as another mega company looking to make money by selling rationed or premium Internet services. 

A multi-billion dollar corporation  such as Facebook should be looking at ways to deliver more and better content globally in order to decrease the "Digital Divide". Many other huge corporations including telcos and ISPs, can easily contribute significantly to bringing new or improved services throughout the world.

As netizens, all of us who enjoy the benefits of a free and open Internet to contribute all we can to grow this service for all of our planet. It will be the 99% who will enjoy the benefits!

Good Netiquette to all!

Unsustainable to offer whole Internet for free: Zuckerberg 04 May 2015, 10:05 PM IST
New York: As the net neutrality debate rages on, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg today said "it is not sustainable to offer the whole Internet for free" but is possible for platform to give basic services without any cost.
Facebook also said that is open to all content and application developers who meet "certain guidelines". This follows criticism from free internet advocates that the social networking site was "hand-picking services" violating principles of net neutrality.
Zuckerberg, who in the past had defended, said in his video blog posted today, that the programme supports itself.
"When people use free basic services, more of them then decide to pay to access the broader Internet and this enables operators to keep offering these basic services for free. It is not sustainable to offer the whole Internet for free," he said.
But, it is sustainable to offer free basic services that are simpler, use less data and work on all low-end phones, he added.
The net neutrality debate in India was triggered after Airtel introduced an open marketing platform 'Airtel Zero' where the data charges were being borne by application developers. Facebook, which has tied up with Reliance Communications for initiative in India, too offer access 33 websites for free.
Free Internet advocates had raised objections to these platforms, saying there were in violation of net neutrality, which stands for equal treatment for all Internet traffic and any priority based on payment to service providers like telecom companies is seen as discriminatory.
Zuckerberg had earlier said principles of neutrality must co-exist with programmes like that encouraged bringing people online. aims to bring 5 billion people online and has partnered mobile operators, local entrepreneurs and companies for launching the initiative across various countries, including India.
"A reasonable definition of net neutrality is more inclusive. Access equals opportunity. Net neutrality shouldn't prevent access. We need both. It's not an equal Internet if a majority of people can't participate," he said.
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