
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Netiquette IQ Special Announcement - Raymond Tomlinson

Email Trailblazer Raymond Tomlinson Dead At 74
Tomlinson made the @ symbol one of the most visible characters on the Internet.
03/06/2016 03:06 pm ET
Lydia O'ConnorAssociate News Editor, The Huffington Post

Raymond Tomlinson in 2009, prior to the presentation of the Prince of Asturias awards. Tomlinson died of an apparent heart attack on Sunday, March 6. 
Raymond Tomlinson, the man who put the @ symbol in email and forever changed the way humans communicate, died Saturday at age 74.
His death was confirmed by the Internet Hall of Fame and fellow Internet pioneers Vinton Cerf, considered one of the fathers of the web, and Grady Booch, who is famous for developing the Unified Modeling Language

He died of an apparent heart attack, several outlets reported. 
Born in Amsterdam, New York, Tomlinson is most famous for establishing person-to-person email as we know it, allowing people to send emails to users on other computers. He chose the @ symbol -- then considered an obscure keyboard character -- to separate usernames from email hosts. Tomlinson came up with the idea while working for Bolt Beranek and Newman, the software company that developed the Internet precursor ARPANET, in 1971.

“I looked at the keyboard, and I thought: ‘What can I choose here that won’t be confused with a username?'” Tomlinson said in a 2012 profile in Wired, adding that he can't remember what his first email said. 

“They were all test messages, and whatever came to hand as I put my fingers on the keyboard is what I would send,” he said. “The first one could have said almost anything.”
The innovation earned him a place in the Internet Hall of Fame earlier in 2012.

"Tomlinson's email program brought about a complete revolution, fundamentally changing the way people communicate, including the way businesses, from huge corporations to tiny mom-and-pop shops, operate and the way millions of people shop, bank, and keep in touch with friends and family, whether they are across town or across oceans," the Hall of Fame wrote when he was inducted. 

"Today, tens of millions of email-enabled devices are in use every day. Email remains the most popular application, with over a billion and a half users spanning the globe and communicating across the traditional barriers of time and space."

This story has been updated to clarify that Tomlinson was born in Amsterdam, New York.
For a great satire on email, please see the following:
Good Netiquette And A Green Internet To All! 

Special Bulletin - My just released book

"You're Hired. Super Charge our Email Skills in 60 Minutes! (And Get That Job...) 

is now on sales at 

Great Reasons for Purchasing Netiquette IQ
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Enjoy most of what you need for email in a single book.


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Another Special Announcement - Tune in to my radio interview,  on Rider University's station, I discuss my recent book, above on "Your Career Is Calling", hosted by Wanda Ellett.   

In addition to this blog, Netiquette IQ has a website with great assets which are being added to on a regular basis. I have authored the premiere book on Netiquette, “Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". My new book, “You’re Hired! Super Charge Your Email Skills in 60 Minutes. . . And Get That Job!” has just been published and will be followed by a trilogy of books on Netiquette for young people. You can view my profile, reviews of the book and content excerpts at:

In addition to this blog, I maintain a radio show on BlogtalkRadio  and an online newsletter via have established Netiquette discussion groups with Linkedin and  Yahoo I am also a member of the International Business Etiquette and Protocol Group and Minding Manners among others. I regularly consult for the Gerson Lehrman Group, a worldwide network of subject matter experts and I have been contributing to the blogs Everything Email and emailmonday . My work has appeared in numerous publications and I have presented to groups such as The Breakfast Club of NJ and  PSG of Mercer County, NJ.

I am the president of Tabula Rosa Systems, a “best of breed” reseller of products for communications, email, network management software, security products and professional services.  Also, I am the president of Netiquette IQ. We are currently developing an email IQ rating system, Netiquette IQ, which promotes the fundamentals outlined in my book.

Over the past twenty-five years, I have enjoyed a dynamic and successful career and have attained an extensive background in IT and electronic communications by selling and marketing within the information technology marketplace.Anyone who would like to review the book and have it posted on my blog or website, please contact me

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