
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Netiquette IQ Blog Of 4/11/2019 Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Attack
Ddistributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) attack
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attack in which multiple compromised computer systems attack a target, such as a server, website or other network resource, and cause a denial of service for users of the targeted resource. The flood of incoming messages, connection requests or malformed packets to the target system forces it to slow down or even crash and shut down, thereby denying service to legitimate users or systems.
DDoS attacks have been carried out by diverse threat actors, ranging from individual criminal hackers to organized crime rings and government agencies. In certain situations, often ones related to poor coding, missing patches or generally unstable systems, even legitimate requests to target systems can result in DDoS-like results.
How DDoS attacks work
In a typical DDoS attack, the assailant begins by exploiting a vulnerability in one computer system and making it the DDoS master. The attack master system identifies other vulnerable systems and gains control over them by either infecting the systems with malware or through bypassing the authentication controls (i.e., guessing the default password on a widely used system or device).
A computer or networked device under the control of an intruder is known as a zombie, or bot. The attacker creates what is called a command-and-control server to command the network of bots, also called a botnet. The person in control of a botnet is sometimes referred to as the botmaster (that term has also historically been used to refer to the first system "recruited" into a botnet because it is used to control the spread and activity of other systems in the botnet).
Botnets can be comprised of almost any number of bots; botnets with tens or hundreds of thousands of nodes have become increasingly common, and there may not be an upper limit to their size. Once the botnet is assembled, the attacker can use the traffic generated by the compromised devices to flood the target domain and knock it offline.
Types of DDoS attacks
There are three types of DDoS attacks. Network-centric or volumetric attacks overload a targeted resource by consuming available bandwidth with packet floods. Protocol attacks target network layer or transport layer protocols using flaws in the protocols to overwhelm targeted resources. And application layer attacks overload application services or databases with a high volume of application calls. The inundation of packets at the target causes a denial of service.
While it is clear that the target of a DDoS attack is a victim, there can be many other victims in a typical DDoS attack, including the owners of the systems used to execute the attack. Although the owners of infected computers are typically unaware their systems have been compromised, they are nevertheless likely to suffer a degradation of service during a DDoS attack. Continue reading...

April is the official month for:

  • From
The following events, industries, causes and emotions (yes, emotions) are observed all month long in April unless otherwise indicated. Even cannabis (fast becoming legalized), Florida tomatoes, celery, and soft pretzels are honored, beginning April 1 through April 30—every year. 
  • African-American Women's Fitness Month
  • Alcohol Awareness Month
  • Amateur Radio Month
  • American Cancer Society Month
  • Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
  • Black Women's History Month 
  • Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 
  • Celebrate Diversity Month
  • Community Service Month
  • Confederate History Month 
  • Distracted Driving Awareness Month 
  • Financial Literacy Month 
  • Fresh Florida Tomato Month
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month 
  • Jewish-American Heritage Month
  • Keep America Beautiful Month 
  • Lawn and Garden Month 
  • Mathematics Awareness Month 
  • Month of the Military Child 
  • National Autism Awareness Month
  • National Better Hearing and Speech Month
  • National Canine Fitness Month
  • National Cannabis Awareness Month 
  • National Car Care Awareness Month 
  • National Child Abuse Awareness Month 
  • National Couple Appreciation Month 
  • National Deaf History Month (March 13 to April 15) 
  • National Decorating Month 
  • National Donate Life Awareness Month 
  • National Fair Housing Month 
  • National Food Month
  • National Fresh Celery Month 
  • National Garden Month
  • National Humor Month 
  • National Internship Awareness Month 
  • National Inventor's Month 
  • National Jazz Appreciation Month 

  • National Landscape Architecture Month 
  • National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (last full week in April) 
  • National Mental Health Month
  • National Month of Hope
  • National Multiple Birth Awareness Month
  • National Occupational Therapy Month
  • National Older Americans Month
  • National Parkinson's Awareness Month
  • National Pecan Month
  • National Poetry Month 
  • National Safe Digging Month 
  • National Siblings Day (April 10) 
  • National Soft Pretzel Month
  • National Soy Foods Month

  • National STDs Education and Awareness Month
  • National Straw Hat Month 
  • National Volunteer Month 
  • National Welding Month 
  • Occupational Therapy Month 
  • Pets are Wonderful Month
  • Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
  • Records and Information Management Month 
  • Scottish-American Heritage Month
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month 
  • Stress Awareness Month
  • Thai Heritage Month
  • Women's Health Care Month
International and One-Day Observances
Because you may be in the business of working with internationals, we can not forget the participation of other countries. Here are a few international honorees, as well as some causes that are observed globally: 
  • April is International Guitar Month, recognized in several countries.
  • Ontario, Canada recognizes April as Sikh Heritage Month. 
  • April is National Pet Month in the United Kingdom, although the U.S. waits until May to honor its non-human family members. 
  • International Pillow Fight Day is observed on April 6 in 2019. 
  • World Autism Awareness Day also falls on April 2 in 2019. 
  • World Health Day is April 7, in 2019. 

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