
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Five Ethical Ways to Search For a New Job While Employed

Many people never look for another job or opportunity while they are actively employed. This loyalty is commendable and it is not the purpose of this blog to judge the philosophy of anyone who chooses to do so.

Some will question the ethics and Netiquette of those who do look to switch, or try to, their employment situation. It is not my view that there is anything unethical about doing so. However, there is definitely the need for ethics and good Netiquette in this pursuit. The following article outlines some of the key points in doing this and should be strongly considered as part of a job search process. Not all considerations are addressed here but these are very strong ones and will be of value.


Five Ethical Ways to Search For a New Job While Employed
 By Angela Rose,

Job Searching on the Company Dime and Other Routes to the Unemployment Line

Ethics-shmethics, who needs ‘em? The answer is YOU do, especially if you’re searching for your next job while employed full time. There is nothing like a breach of ethics to turn off a potential employer. There is also nothing like a discovered breach of ethics to encourage a current employer to make your dreams come true. Not all your dreams, of course. Just the one where you don’t work for them anymore.

Given the economic downturn through which our nation has slogged, if you currently have a job, many would consider you fortunate (yes, even if your supervisor is the evil incarnate). Being employed may even raise your value in the eyes of hiring managers. However, to avoid burning any bridges with the folks who are presently signing your paychecks, you must conduct your job search ethically.

Don’t job search on the company dime.
Don’t do it if you hate your boss. Don’t do it if you finish the big project early. Don’t do it if everyone else is in a meeting. Stay off job boards while you’re on the clock. Don’t send job search-related emails from your office email address. Don’t use the company fax machine to send out resumes. Don’t mail thank you notes from the office. It almost goes without saying, but if your current employer catches you engaging in any of these activities, you may find yourself with a lot more free time.

Schedule interviews around your current work hours.
Be honest with potential employers about the need for an interview before or after regular business hours. They’ll appreciate the integrity you show by continuing to take your present employment seriously. If they must interview you mid-day, suggest your lunch hour. If that will not work, take a personal or vacation day.

The first rule of the job search is don’t talk about the job search.
If you don’t want your boss to know that you’re looking for a new job, don’t talk about it to anyone in the office. Talk about it to your spouse, your best friend or your dog. Don’t talk about it to the receptionist.

Honesty is the best policy.
The professionals who interview you are going to ask if your current employer knows of your job search. Be honest and tell them no. Ask them to contact former employers for references because you’re keeping your job search confidential at this time. This should not rule you out as a potential employee. Lying could result in your current boss learning of your job search through a reference check. This is not a situation you want to deal with.

Keep it positive.
Whether you’re networking at a professional association meeting or interviewing for a potential position, never disparage your current employer. You’ll obviously need to give a reason for the job search, but stay positive. Rather than stating that you hate your bosses’ penchant for wearing stripes with plaid, or that you haven’t had a raise in three years, emphasize your desire to find a position where you can better utilize your skills or pursue a lifelong dream.

Job searching while employed full time can be tough. It also has its benefits. You’ll be in a better position to negotiate salary and won’t be tempted to take the first offer that comes along just to make the mortgage payment. Job search ethically and you’ll even be able to turn your current supervisor into a positive future reference.

About the Author

Angela Rose researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues for


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About Netiquette IQ

My book, "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email" and the Kindle version are now available on Amazon. Please visit my author profile at



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“Paul Babicki and Frank Kovacs are co-authoring a new book on Netiquette IQ for job seekers, recruiters and employers (no official title as yet!). This book is a follow up to Paul’s “Netiquette IQ – A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email”. This book will be a part of the forthcoming Netiquette IQ compendium featuring a series of books on specific areas of Netiquette; education, sales, social media, etc.

We would desire and encourage feedback from anyone who would like to contribute their thought ideas, even a segment to include in the book. We want the book to cover as many pertinent topics as possible for the job seeker, recruiter and employer.

There will be an acknowledgement page in the book listing those whose ideas or suggestions are used.
The persons with the 5 top ideas will be sent a complimentary signed copy of my current book and a copy of the new book when it is published. Comments will be closed on 1/31/2014.

Kindly submit your suggestion(s) to my blog post of 12/26/2013 in the comment field. 


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