
Friday, January 10, 2014

10 Core Netiquette Email Rules for Replying to Urgent Requests

Many email users are flooded with more messages than they are able to reply to in a timely fashion, if at all. When it is determined that a particular correspondence requires a priority response (!), there are important guidelines one should follow to produce an effective reply. Simply producing some sort of reply may not be sufficient. The following are some of these which will insure having optimal results.

Replying to urgent requests, some rules

1.   Be proactive to avoid critical email

2.   Maintain consistency in replies

3.   Follow "Netiquette" guidelines

4.   Keep promises

5.   Follow up on completed actions to verify that an "urgent" matter has been properly addressed

6.   Stay on target

7.   Keep messages brief

8.   If apologies are required, do so quickly

9.   Make sure of facts

10.  Keep "marked" messages and replies marked until all issues are resolved.

About Netiquette IQ:
My book, "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email" and the Kindle version are now available on Amazon. Please visit my profile at:
My other sites of Netiquette resources include: Internet products and services website.

 Paul Babicki and Frank Kovacs are co-authoring a new book on Netiquette IQ for job seekers, recruiters and employers (no official title as yet!). This book is a follow up to Paul’s current release. This book will be a part of the forthcoming Netiquette IQ compendium featuring a series of books on specific areas of Netiquette; education, sales, social media, etc. We would desire and encourage feedback from anyone who would like to contribute their thought ideas, even a segment to include in the book.

We wish to have the book to cover as many pertinent topics as possible for the job seeker, recruiter and employer. There will be an acknowledgement page in the book listing those whose ideas or suggestions are used. The persons with the five top ideas will be sent a complimentary signed copy of my current book and a copy of the new one. Comments will be closed on 1/31/2014. Kindly submit your suggestion(s) to my blog post of 12/26/2013 in the comment field.

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