
Friday, January 3, 2014

Netiquette Security For Business, Students and Kids

In a couple of my recent blogs, I have discussed and provided information for email and cyber security and how they are a vital part of Netiquette and communication etiquette.  The Department of Homeland Security cyber Awareness Coalition
StopThinkConnect has a wealth of good information for all. There is value here for any user! I hope this information will be useful









Stop.Think.Connect. 2013 Year in Review

  • Stay Cyber Safe While on the Go this Holiday Season
  • Make Cybersecurity Part of Your New Year’s Resolution
  • DHS Component Spotlight: Transportation Security Administration
  • Partner Spotlight: Identity Theft Resource Center  

Stop.Think.Connect. 2013 Year in Review

The Stop.Think.Connect.™  Campaign had a busy 2013. Below is a quick snapshot of the Campaign’s activities and how much the National Network and Cyber Coalition have grown.  

Stay Cyber Safe While on the Go This Holiday Season

The holidays are a popular time to travel, with over 93 million Americans traveling by car, plane, train, or bus. People want to stay connected while they travel, and with the popularity of Internet-enabled mobile devices45% of adults own a smart phone, 35% of adults own a tablet these gadgets are sure to be on many packing lists. As you travel, be careful about the physical and cyber safety of your devices. Keep an eye on your devices as they go through airport security and do not leave your devices unattended anywhere else.
The need for cybersecurity does not end when you leave your home or office. Being cyber safe while on the go is important, so before you pack up your laptops, tablets, and cellphones, remember these tips from the Stop.Think.Connect.  Safety Tips for Mobile Devices tip sheet:
  • Keep a Clean Machine. Treat your mobile device as you would a personal computer. Make sure you have the latest operating system, security software, and browser to help your mobile device protect against malware and viruses.
  • Protect Your Personal Information. Password-protect or lock your devices when not in use. Review the privacy policy of an application before you download. Only give your phone number to people you trust. Disable the geotagging feature on your phone or tablet.
  • Connect with Care. When connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot, limit the type of business you conduct and adjust the security settings on your device to limit who can access your phone. When banking or shopping, check to be sure the sites are security enabled – look for secure addresses that begin with "https://" or "shttp://. The “s” stands for “secure.” Do not respond to calls or texts requesting personal information or immediate action. These are most likely scams to get your information.

Make Cybersecurity a Part of Your New Year's Resolution

New Year’s is a great time to start fresh and make resolutions to help improve your life. This year, consider making a resolution to be more cyber safe. Below are some simple, measurable ideas for your cyber resolutions:
  • Change the passwords for your devices and your major accounts (email, banking, and social media) on a regular (i.e., bi-monthly) basis.
  • Check regularly to ensure your operating system and security software is up to date.
  • Check the privacy and security settings on your mobile devices and delete any applications you do not regularly use.
Set reminders on your calendar to keep on track with your cybersecurity resolutions.


 About Netiquette IQ:
My book, "Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email" and the Kindle version are now available on Amazon. Please visit my profile at:

My other sites of Netiquette resources include: Internet products and services website.

 Paul Babicki and Frank Kovacs are co-authoring a new book on Netiquette IQ for jobseekers, recruiters and employers (no official title as yet!). This book is a follow up to Paul’s current release. This book will be a part of the forthcoming Netiquette IQ compendium featuring a series of books on specific areas of Netiquette; education, sales, social media, etc. We would desire and encourage feedback from anyone who would like to contribute their thought ideas, even a segment to include in the book. We want the book to cover as many pertinent topics as possible for the job seeker, recruiter and employer. There will be an acknowledgement page in the book listing those whose ideas or suggestions are used. The persons with the five top ideas will be sent a complimentary signed copy of my current book and a copy of the new one. Comments will be closed on 1/31/2014.
Kindly submit your suggestion(s) to my blog post of 12/26/2013 in the comment field. 

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