
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Netiquette IQ - Newsletter: Log Management, Netiquette and Executive Recruiting

Splunk vs SIEM, from the Netiquette IQ blog: 8 Tips for Email Cover Letter success, and an interview with  renowned author and executive recruiter
Products, Blogs and Speakers

Each week we will highlight one of our products, share a Netiquette IQ Blog and direct you to our BlogTalkRadio program which airs on Saturday's at Noon, EST.

Tabula Rosa Systems (TRS) is dedicated to providing Best of Breed Technology and Best of Class Professional Services to our Clients. TRS offers product design, implementation and support services on all products that we represent. Additionally, TRS provides expertise in Network AnalysiseBusiness, Application ProfilingePolicy and eBusiness Troubleshooting.

A special thank you to David Schuchman for his MailChimp expertise.

Phishing? Take a test to see how well you can detect phishing. 

Splunk products make machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone.
What's the difference between a traditional SIEM and Splunk for Security? Splunk's Security Intelligence Platform, consisting of Splunk Enterprise and the Splunk App for Enterprise Security, offers a sonar view of the sea of threats to your data. Take a journey on this boat ride to find out more.
For more information, call Tabula Rosa Systems at 609-818-1802, or email
Netiquette Tips for Sales, Business and Student Email Cover Letters

Netiquette for email is increasingly important as a means of capturing the attention of the email recipient. Even with great attention to email etiquette or Netiquette in areas for jobs seekers, students, sales information, proposals and many other situations, an email with great content can be given little or no attention. This is true particularly when attachments are involved. 

In order to fully optimize Netiquette, here are some great suggestions from a recent article.

Eight Tips for Better Email Cover Letters

By Larry Buhl  from Monster

As the saying goes, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. If you're doing a job search or resume submission via email, the first impression any employer will have is from your cover letter.
Some tips for creating successful email cover letters are the same as for paper cover letters: Be professional, with correct spelling and grammar, and -- very important -- do use them. Other tips pertain only to the electronic medium, and when disregarded, could ruin your chances before your foot is in the door.

Here's what you should you consider when crafting an email cover letter.
Don't Waste Your Subject Line

What you write in the subject line can determine whether your letter gets read, according to Lydia Ramsey, business etiquette expert and author of 
Manners That Sell. "Don't ever leave the subject line of your email blank and don't waste it by just inserting the job number," Ramsey says. "The subject line should be clear and specific to the job you're looking for." An example: "Bilingual CPA seeks account manager position."

Use Standard Cover Letter Protocol

Write your letter as the body of the email and include a salutation (use the receiver's actual name if you know it) and a standard closing. ("Sincerely" or "Warm regards" work well.) Leave blank lines between paragraphs, and use appropriate signature and closing lines. Include all the information in your signature line you would have on your business card, including snail mail address, phone number and email address. "Remember, your email address doesn't always automatically show up on the receiver's email program," Ramsey says.
Keep It Short and Dynamic

Managers and recruiters are busy. They want to get the gist of your pitch in 150 words or fewer. The first paragraph is crucial, according to Ramsey. "Hook the reader in the first paragraph by selling him or her your abilities," she says. "Use short paragraphs and short sentences to give a very brief bio on who you are and what you can do for them, and wrap it up in the second paragraph."

Keep It Simple 

If you write a cover letter in a word-processing program, strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text. The ideal line length is 40 characters. Some email packages automatically do word wrap for you, so your cover letter doesn't arrive in fragments. If your program doesn't do this, go to, drop in your text and the free service will format your email for you.
Don't get cute. Save emoticons, abbreviations, and wild colors and fonts for your nonprofessional emails. The same goes for humor. Chances are, the reader won't think it's funny, and may even find it irritating.

Be Specific

Don't respond to an ad for a copywriter when you're really a graphic designer, says Diana Qasabian, talent director at Syndicatebleu. "It may be the tight job market, but we've been receiving more and more letters responding to a specific job from candidates who are not at all qualified for it," she says.
"We look for specifics in email cover letters, which means skills and abilities," she adds. "Embellishment and fluff are not necessary. It's not necessary to write, 'I'm a hard worker.' That goes without saying."
Keywords Are Key

Because many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATSes) to find and screen candidates, skill-oriented keywords will boost your chance at being discovered, a recruiter at a large technology company says.

"ATS tools track keywords that identify skill sets," she says. "So even if you're not right for the job you're seeking, strong keywords improve the chance that your cover letter and resume will be retrieved in a future search or be selected for a more appropriate job."
Play by Their Rules

Take the time to learn the company guidelines for submitting resumes, and follow them. Many companies list these guidelines on their Web sites. Also, don't include attachments unless they are requested. Some companies block all emails with attachments to prevent viruses.
Check It Again

Thoroughly spell-check and proofread your email letter. And remember, your email software's spell-checker won't catch grammar mistakes. Send it to a friend first and ask him to check it for content and style. If all your friends are tapped out, or even if they aren't, test your email cover letter by emailing it to yourself, and put yourself in the mind-set of an employer when you read it.

Upcoming Events on
Saturday at 2:00 pm (EST)

7/12  2:00 pm EST
Bruce A. Hurwitz, Ph.D.
Popular author, president and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, Ltd., and publisher at Fish Hook Books,® Bruce has been an executive recruiter since 2003.  The author of Success! As Employee and Entrepreneur and A Hooker's Guide to Getting a Job: Parables from the Real World of Career Counseling and Executive Recruitinghe is a recognized authority on career counseling, recruitment, and employment issues, having been cited in over 550 articles, appearing in more than 375 publications, across the United States and  22 foreign countries.   An Ambassador with the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, he hosts their weekly radio program, The Voice of Manhattan Business, as well as his own show, Bruce Hurwitz Presents.  An on-camera talent for whose video, Good Responses to Interview Questions Regarding Weaknesses, was a "2012 Top Performer," he occasionally contributes to the National Association of Sales Professionals blog, as well as his own blog, Employment Edification. A regular speaker at The New York Public Library and the New York State Department of Labor, he teaches Professional Development andProfessional Business Development at the Mechanics’ Institute of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York.  Bruce is offering a special discount on his full-service career counseling package to Netiquette listeners!

7/19 (Noon) EST
Abby Kohut
Abby Kohut, who is known on the web as Absolutely Abby, is the President of Staffing Symphony, LLC and the author of “Absolutely Abby’s 101 Job Search Secrets”.  In the past 18 years, Abby held positions such as Senior Director of Recruiting for Kaplan, Interim Director of Recruiting for Continuum Health Partners, and Manager of Global Recruiting for Alpharma. Her website, which was selected as one of the “Top 100 Websites for Your Career” by Forbes in 2013, teaches candidates secrets the Absolute truth about the job search process that other recruiters won't tell you.  Abby has been on a mission to help one million job seekers and is currently driving around the USA on a nationwide tour to accomplish that goal which you can learn more about at

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