
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tabula Rosa's Newsletter For 2/26/2015 - "Best of Breed" IT Products


Solutions for your toughest network challenges 
For more than 14 years,  Tabula Rosa Systems (TRS), has offered our customers elite IT technology products, solutions and services. We provide a full cycle of network planning, design, selection, implementation and optimization. New world class products for network, security and systems management are added regularly to our repertoire. Each of our products is a leader in price/performance, customer satisfaction and long-term viability.  Our newsletter features product solutions based upon input from our customers.  
To schedule a meeting/webex or to request a product evaluation call
609-818-1802.  See our blog or email

Check out our popular 
Netiquette IQ blog and Paul Babicki's book 
"Netiquette IQ- A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". 

Tripwire is the market leader for security configuration management, configuration compliance management, vulnerability management, and reliable log collection management. 

Auditing the configurations of IT systems and monitoring changes in those configurations is critical to reducing security risk and achieving compliance.  Tripwire Security Products shore up defenses against threats, provides visibility and context into your infrastructure, helps you focus corrective efforts on the events that matter, and lets you get your security operational. With Tripwire, you prevent breaches from occurring—and protect the business when they do—to minimize their consequences.

Tripwire's solutions help organizations of all sizes and types quickly address the first four, truly foundational, security controls. Conquering the first four then lays the foundation for addressing additional controls—which Tripwire can also help with. Using Tripwire, enterprises can achieve accelerated progress on:

  • CSC 1 - Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
  • CSC 2 - Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software
  • CSC 3 - Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations, and Servers
  • CSC 4 - Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
Regardless of the security control framework your organization may be considering or has begun to implement, the SANS 20 is a flexible starting point, applicable to nearly any organization regardless of size, industry, geography or government/commercial. See how Tripwire can help you make rapid progress in establishing a strategy, quickly implementing and then measuring and reporting against your organization's goals.

For further information, visit our blog, contact us at 609-818-1802or email

Catchpoint Systems offers wide-ranging and easy-to-use web monitoring tools that allow businesses to discover and fix problems with their websites before they impact end users, thus preserving their brand in the eyes of consumers.

Using Catchpoint’s customizable dashboards and innovative alerting system, DevOps professionals can rest easy knowing that their sites’ speed, availability, and reliability are maximized to the fullest extent due to the company’s wide-ranging offering of Synthetic and Real User Measurement monitoring tools.

The key to Catchpoint’s value is the end-to-end visibility of the complete user experience that their clients are able to access. Thanks to 12 different monitor types, including web, DNS, API, transaction, network path, and a number of others, Catchpoint users can get real-time analytics across a broad variety of functionalities that make up their sites.

In addition to the wide array of tools, Catchpoint clients have access to the most expansive coverage of nodes in the industry. With more than 380 node locations on every continent save for Antarctica – including backbone, last mile, wireless, and private nodes – businesses can test their sites and infrastructure from all over the world to get the clearest possible view of their users’ experiences, and fix problems before those experiences are hampered.

For further information, visit our blog, contact us at 609-818-1802 or email

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