Some of my earlier blogs have dealt with torpedo words which can often have an immediate negative effect on the recipient. Similarly, a good choice of certain words, selectively used, can evoke a range of better received reactions by a recipient. So much of an email is subtle that any positive item can make a difference.
It is well to keep in mind that certain positive, strong or beautiful words each can be best placed in personal, professional or specific email related to other categories. This specific discussion would take much more time and space to be completely addressed in a single blog.
Try a simple test in your next few emails.
The next few times you compose a medium sized email, before you send each of them respectively, save them first. Go to the list below and see if there is a synonym for a word or two and try substituting it. Read it back and see if it sounds better. If this works, start your own list and incorporate it. Hopefully, within a short time, your emails will improve.
If any reader has some suggested words to append to this list, kindly do post them. Here is the list.
abundance/abundant | felicity |
accomplished | flexible |
accuracy | fluidity |
adaptability | generous |
admirable | genuine |
adroit | graceful |
agile | gracious |
affirmative | harmonious |
attainable | imbue |
auspicious | independence |
balanced | innovative |
brilliance | iridescent |
clarity | judicious |
coalesce | laudatory |
compelling | lithe |
confidence | loyalty |
conflate | magnificent |
consistent | meaningful |
cornerstone | melodious |
creative | perceptive |
dazzling | plentiful |
decisive | praiseworthy |
dedicated | precision |
devoted | proven |
dexterous | purity |
earnest | quality |
effervescent | quintessential |
elegant | reliable |
encompass | resilience |
enduring | resonant |
energy | resounding |
envision | sound |
epiphany | stalwart |
epitome | surpass |
equilibrium | tasteful |
esteemed | transcend |
etiquette | transformative |
evocative | unfailing |
exuberant | worthiness |
faithful | zenith |
far-reaching |
Happy emailing and good Netiquette!