Black Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
- 9/11 - This ribbon is a sign of mourning for those lost in the September 11th (9/11) attack.
- Melanoma awareness
- Mourning and remembrance of the Virginia Tech massacre
- Narcolepsy
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (Now known as Primary Biliary Cholangitis)
- Sleep Apnea
- Sleep Disorders
Blue Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
 | Blue ribbon (2 tone)
- National Hydrocephalus Awareness. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in chambers of the brain known as ventricles. The month of September is National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.
 | Blue/Gray ribbon with Red Blood Drop
- Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes) - Type 1 diabetes is a serious autoimmune disease where the pancreas stops producing insulin - which allows the body to get energy from food. It strikes suddenly and it is not related to lifestyle or diet.
 | Blue Jeans Denim Ribbon
- Genetic disorder awareness. The blue jeans denim ribbon was created by the Global Genes Project and the Children's Rare Disease Network for awareness of gene defects like Niemann Pick Type C, Cystic Fibrosis, Prader-Willi, and Fragile X. World Rare Disease Day is an annual observance held on the last day of February (February 28th or February 29th in a Leap Year) to raise awareness for rare diseases.
 | Indigo Ribbon
- The Indigo Ribbon Campaign raises awareness about crimes committed against Targeted Individuals of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment. Indigo Ribbon Day is on November 23rd yearly. Wearing the Indigo ribbon is a sign of Infinity and Unity.
 | Light blue ribbon
 | Navy Blue
 | Robin Egg Blue
- Pierre Robin syndrome - (PRS also known as Pierre Robin malformation, Pierre Robin sequence, Pierre Robin anomaly or Pierre Robin anomalad), is a congenital condition of facial abnormalities in humans.
 | Royal Blue
- Child Abuse Awareness
- Transverse myelitis awareness (royal blue ribbon with the words "Transverse Myelitis")
- Syringomyelia
 | Pale Blue
- Achalasia Awareness - Achalasia is a rare disease of the muscle of the lower esophageal body and the lower esophageal sphincter. The main symptoms of achalasia are dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), regurgitation of undigested food, chest pain behind the sternum, and weight loss.
Brown Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Burgundy Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Copper Awareness Ribbon - Causes and Meanings |
- Herpes Simplex Virus Awareness - HSV 1 is the oral version of the virus, and HSV 2 is the genital type. HSV is NOT part of standard STD screening, is highly contagious and there is no cure.
Cream Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Gray/Grey Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Green Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
 | Lime Green ribbon
 | Jade Ribbon
- Jade Ribbon Campaign awareness - hepatitis B and liver cancer. The Jade Ribbon Campaign was launched by the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University in May 2001 to spread awareness about hepatitis B (HBV) and liver cancer in Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
 | Light Green ribbon
 | Mint Green
- Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Congenital hepatic Fibrosis
- Genetic Disorders
- Ivemark Syndrome
 | Sea Green/Sea Foam Blue
- The awareness color for Stuttering is Sea Green (Sea Foam Blue). U.S. National Stuttering Awareness Week is the second week of May. October 22 was designated International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) in 1998. ISAD is organized by International Fluency Association, European League of Stuttering Associations, and International Stuttering Association.
 | Turquoise
 | Teal ribbon
Gold Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
- Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Childhood cancer awareness
- Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Neuroblastoma and Osteosarcoma
Orange Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Peach Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
- Endometrial Cancer
- Uterine Cancer
- Vaginal Cancer
 | Amber
- An Amber Ribbon brings awareness to Appendix Cancer. Appendix cancer is extremely rare, affecting an estimated 600 to 1,000 Americans each year. Primary lymphomas can occur in the appendix.
Pearl, White or Clear Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
 | White ribbon
Pink Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Purple Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
 | Lavender Awareness Ribbons
 | Periwinkle ribbon
 | Orchid
- Testicular Cancer. There is debate about the color for testicular cancer awareness and ribbons, however orchid, a purple/violet color, has long been recognized as the official color for testicular cancer.
 | Violet ribbon
Red Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Silver Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Yellow Awareness Ribbons - Causes and Meanings |
Awareness Symbols Causes and Meanings |
 | Autism Infinity Symbol
- The Autism Infinity Symbol is becoming a popular alternative to the puzzle pieces autism symbols as well as a symbol for Neurodiversity.
 | Blue Star Symbol
- Represents the fight against colorectal cancer. The hope is the Blue Star Universal Symbol will be integrated into existing group awareness efforts and incorporated into materials as a representation of the collective fight against colorectal cancer.
 | Checkered Eye Symbol
- The checkered eye is a simple line drawing of an eye, the center (iris) is black and white checkers. The symbol bears the Checkered Eye and the text "LOW VISION". The Checkered Eye symbol was created by Libby Thaw, a visually impaired wife and mother. Learn more about The Checkered Eye Project at
 | Cloud ribbon
 | Dark Blue and Orange/Orchid
- The awareness ribbon colors for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is Dark Blue for Arthritis, and Orange/Orchid for Psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis (also arthritis psoriatica, arthropathic psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy) is a type of inflammatory arthritis that will develop in up to 30 percent of people who have the chronic skin condition psoriasis.
 | Diabetes Awareness
- Blue Diabetes Circle Awareness. The awareness ribbon color for Diabetes was gray, however more commonly diabetes is now symbolized by the blue circle, as designated by the International Diabetes Federation.
 | Purple Ribbon with White Spots in Figure 8 format
- Beta awareness ribbon for the National Lichen Sclerosis Support Group (NLSSG). The shade of purple may change but the white spots and figure and 8 shape is the main identifier.
 | Multi-colored Puzzle Ribbon
- Multi-colored puzzle ribbon with the words "Developmental Disabilities Awareness - Normal is Over-rated" on one side.
 | FOXG1 - Orange ribbon with a fox tail
- FOXG1 is a severe neurological condition characterized by seizures, small head size, inability to control body movements, and lack of speech.
 | Multi-colored Flame
 | Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon
- Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon will expand the availability of vital cervical cancer screening and treatment and breast care education - especially for women most at risk of getting cervical cancer in developing nations because they are HIV-positive.
 | Trisomy Awareness
- Trisomy Awareness ribbon - These ribbons were created by the Support Organization for Trisomy ( to represent all forms of Trisomy.
 | Mosaic Trisomies
- The ribbon features a mosaic pattern of red, blue, and yellow colors, with the words "Mosaic Trisomy Awareness" printed on it. Mosaic Trisomy is when a complete copy of a chromosome is found in only some cells of a persons body instead of every cell like in a normal case of a Trisomy, hence the term Mosaic. This causes a whole new set of problems and disabilities in the affected individual.
 | Blue Butterfly
 | Mint green and golden yellow butterfly
- The Mint green and golden yellow butterfly symbol is used to raise awareness of Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS).
Multiple Colored Ribbons Causes and Meanings |
 | Beige - Giraffe print ribbon
- Tethered spinal cord syndrome - Closely associated with spina bifida. Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by tissue attachments that limit the movement of the spinal cord within the spinal column.
 | Black and White Striped Ribbon
- Black and White Striped Breast Implant Illness (BII) awareness ribbon with the words "Breast Implant Illness" printed black on white background. Breast Implant Illness is the name given to the variety of symptoms and illnesses reported by women after implantation. Today, many women are suffering from the toxic effects of Breast Implants, both Silicone and Saline. Breast Implant Illness Awareness Day is on February 13th.
 | Blue and Green
- Psuedotumor Cerebri. Pseudo Tumor Cerebri is a very rare condition that only affects 1 in every 100,000 people. Pseudotumor cerebri occurs when the pressure inside your skull increases for no obvious reason.
 | Blue and Red Ribbon
 | Blue and Purple Ribbon
 | Blue and Teal Ribbon
- The Spina Bifida Association ribbon color is blue and teal and represents all forms of Spina Bifida including Occult Spinal Dysraphism, Spina Bifida Occulta, Meningocele and Myelomeningocele.
 | Blue/Purple - Teal/Purple - Turquoise/Purple
- Suicide awareness and prevention (also see yellow ribbon). Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people and is often the result of mental health conditions that effect people when they are most vulnerable.
 | Blue/Yellow
 | Blue and Yellow Ribbon
- Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - Ribbon incorporates combined colors of both Spina Bifida (Yellow) and Hydrocephalus (Two Tone Blue ribbon with water drop on the side ).
 | Bone/Beige trimmed in royal blue
- Hip Dysplasia - Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) or congenital dysplasia of the hip (CDH) is a congenital or developmental deformation or misalignment of the hip joint. The month of June is Healthy Hips/Hip Dysplasia awareness month.
 | Brown with Pink Dots
- The Persistent Cloaca ribbon is brown to symbolize bowel issues, and the pink dots symbolize occurrence in females only.
 | Burgundy and Ivory
 | Burgundy and Purple
- Arachnoiditis - The purple is for neuropathy and the burgundy is for meningitis.
 | Cow Print Ribbon
- Omphalocele Awareness - An omphalocele (omphalocoele) is a type of abdominal wall defect in which the intestines, liver, and occasionally other organs remain outside of the abdomen in a sac because of a defect in the development of the muscles of the abdominal wall.
 | Gold and Blue with Diamond
- Bohring-Opitz syndrome - A rare genetic condition with high infant mortality characterized by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), failure to thrive, developmental delay, hypotonia (low muscle tone), BOS posture (fixed contractures of the upper limbs) and distinctive facial features.
 | Gold and Silver
 | Light Green/Dark Blue
- Body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) - A general term for a group of related complex disorders that includes hair pulling, skin picking, and nail biting. The awareness ribbon colors are; light green in the middle, to symbolize healing, and dark blue on the edges, which represents BFRBs' association with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders - (
 | Grey and Burgundy
| Grey ribbon with Red heart
 | Hypotonia Awareness Ribbon
- The Hypotonia awareness ribbon is multi-colored with the words "Hypotonia Awareness - One Inchstone at a Time" beside it. Hypotonia, also known as floppy baby syndrome, is a state of low muscle tone (the amount of tension or resistance to stretch in a muscle), often involving reduced muscle strength.
 | Idiopathic Hypersomnia Awareness
- Idiopathic Hypersomnia is a disease, thought to be a neurological disorder, characterized primarily by severe excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). It is usually a lifelong chronic disease, which is often debilitating.
 | Ivory with Rose Ribbon
- The official awareness ribbon color for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is Ivory and also includes a rose picture. SMA is a genetic disorder that affects the control of muscle movement.
 | Lime Green with DNA Strand Ribbon
- MEF2C Haploinsufficiency Syndrome is an emerging neurodevelopmental disorder associated with intellectual disability, autistic features, epilepsy, and abnormal movements.
 | Mandibulofacial Dysostosis with Microcephaly
- The Mandibulofacial Dysostosis with Microcephaly ribbon is royal blue with a yellow border, and yellow letters MFDM on the left bottom portion of the ribbon. The ribbon design combines craniofacial and microcephaly colors.
 | Orange and Green Ribbon
- Synergy Saturday and Healthy Self - A weekly wellness project and health awareness initiative with free health screenings, risk assessments, giveaways and health education handouts for poor health and poverty alleviation -
 | Orange and navy blue ribbon
- Human rights for family caregivers awareness - In the U.S. the month of November is National Family Caregiver Month. In Canada the first Tuesday of every April is National Family Caregiver Day, a day that recognizes and celebrates the valuable work that caregivers do.
 | Orchid and Orange Ribbon
 | Pink and blue ribbon
- Amniotic Fluid Embolism
- Birth defects
- Genital integrity
- Male Breast Cancer
- Hyperemesis Graviduram
- Hyperammonemia
- Infant loss awareness
- Infertility awareness
- Inflammatory breast cancer awareness
- Pregnancy Loss
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Premature Birth (Also purple according to some organizations)
- Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome
- Turner Syndrome (Various societies and support groups for TS have their own colors. The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) uses the colors pink and blue. U.K. Turner Syndrome Support Society (TSSS) uses lilac. Every group and society uses the butterfly symbol.)
- Pediatric bronchiolitis obliterans
- Pro-life
 | Pink/Blue ribbon
- Clubfoot - A clubfoot, or talipes equinovarus (TEV), is a birth defect. The foot is twisted in (inverted) and down. Without treatment , persons afflicted often appear to walk on their ankles, or on the sides of their feet. Ponseti International Association (PIA) has designated June 3rd as World Clubfoot Day.
 | Pink Purple and Teal Ribbon
- Thyroid Cancer - Thyroid cancer is a cancer originating from follicular or parafollicular thyroid cells. Thyroid cancers are thought to be related to a number of environmental and genetic predisposing factors, but significant uncertainty remains regarding its causes. The month of September Is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.
 | Purple and Black
- Tracheostomy Awareness - The ribbon is 2 tone with one side being purple and the other being black. Global Tracheostomy Tube Awareness Week is the 3rd week of May each year.
 | Purple and Black
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Awareness - Right half of the ribbon is purple and the left half is black.
 | Purple/Blue ribbon
- GNA01 Gene Mutation Disorder - The awareness ribbon is colored purple and blue with the words "Epilepsy" written on the purple part and "Movement Disorder" written on the blue part.
 | Purple/Green Ribbon with the words "Sod Awareness" printed in white on the purple side.
- Both bile and your pancreatic juices flow to your small intestine through a common duct that is opened and closed by a round valve. The valve is a muscle called the sphincter of Oddi. In rare cases, the sphincter of Oddi goes into spasm. It clamps shut and cannot relax. Other times it may be narrowed from previous inflammation. This is called sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD). For further information on Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction visit:
 | Purple and Green
- Stickler Syndrome - Also known as hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy.
- Schizencephaly - Purple for epilepsy and green for cerebral palsy.
 | Purple blue marigold ribbon
- Bladder Cancer Awareness - The month of May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. Bladder cancer is the 5th most common cancer affecting approximately 535,000 people across the United States.
 | Purple and Teal with White Stars
- The Necrotizing fasciitis awareness ribbon colors are purple and teal with white stars. The stars represent those who lost their battle with this disease.
 | Purple, Teal and Green Ribbon
- Medullary Sponge Kidney ( Cacchi-Ricci disease ). Medullary Sponge Kidney (MSK), also known as Cacchi-Ricci disease, is a congenital disorder of the kidneys characterized by cystic dilatation of the collecting tubules in one or both kidneys.
 | Purple and White
- Sarcoidosis - The Snowflake signifies how no two Sarcoidosis Sufferers are affected in the exact same way by the disease.
 | Purple and Yellow Ribbon
- Autoimmune Hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease in which the body's own immune system attacks the liver and causes it to become inflamed.
 | Puzzle ribbon
 | Quilt Design Ribbon
- Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD).
 | Rainbow Ribbon
 | Red and White Ribbon
 | Red with white border
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency Awareness - CVI is a medical condition in which the valves in the veins of the lower body do not properly channel blood flow back to the heart because of blockage or venous valve malfunction, resulting in slow blood flow, increased pressure and swelling in the legs and feet.
 | Red/Orange
- Adiposis dolorosa. Adiposis dolorosa, also known as Dercum's disease, is a rare condition characterized by multiple, painful lipomas. These lipomas mainly occur on the trunk, the upper arms and upper legs.
 | Red and Gold Ribbon
- Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT) Awareness (NAITP or NAIT or NATP or NAT for short; or fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, FNAIT, feto-maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, FMAITP or FMAIT) Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is a blood-related disease that affects expectant mothers and their babies.
 | Red White and Black
- Pernicious Anaemia and B12 Deficiency - Two awareness ribbons are listed for Pernicious anemia, both ribbons are colored red, white and black. The second ribbon has the words "Pernicious Anaemia" written on the black part, and B12 Deficiency on the red part. Pernicious Anaemia is believed to be an autoimmune disease. Courtesy of Georgia Dent (, Ribbon design is copyrighted.
 | Red and Yellow Ribbon
 | Silver and Blue
- Corpus Callosum Awareness - The corpus callosum (CC) links the cerebral cortex of the left and right cerebral hemispheres and is the largest fiber pathway in the brain.
 | Teal and White Ribbon
- Cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the cervix. Malignant means that it can spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body.
 | White with Blue Outline
- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) affects 2-3 per 1,000 live births. This brain injury can cause cerebral palsy, epilepsy, vision issues and other developmental concerns.
 | White with Navy Stripe
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - (Aran-Duchenne, Gehrig's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Motor Neuron Disease) - A rapidly progressive fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells for controlling voluntary muscles.
 | Yellow and Multicolor Ribbon
- Gilbert's Syndrome - A genetic liver disorder found in 3-12% of the population. It produces elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream (hyperbilirubinemia) causing deep fatigue, sickness, dizziness, brain fog, making it difficult to lead a normal life. The yellow represents the bilirubin and the multicolor represents all the side effects on all parts of the body and organism that affect having a normal life.
 | Zebra Ribbon (Black and White)
 | Zebra Ribbon With Silver Sparkled Stripes
- Stiff Person Syndrome (Another version of the Zebra ribbon above).
 | Red and Zebra Striped Ribbon
- Hashimoto's Encephalitis: The red and zebra ribbon was created to raise awareness of Hashimoto's Encephalitis, also known as: Hashimoto's Encephalopathy, Non-vasculitic Autoimmune Meningoencephalitis, Steroid-responsive Encephalopathy associated with Autoimmune Thyroiditis.
 | Silver, Red and Zebra Ribbon
- Autoimmune Encephalitis: A rare and diverse group of brain disorders where the immune system creates an antibody that attacks healthy brain cells. Can be progressive and/or relapse remitting. Cancer can exist in some variants. Wide range of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Highly treatable and reversible. The Ribbon has 3 colors: Silver for Brain, Red for vasculitis and zebra for rare disease.